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Я думал игра была удалена так как не мог найти её

Would it be possible to be able to download the music separately at some point?

All the music is free copyright, you can easily find it on Youtube.

Does anyone know how I complete step 5 of the mission The war within?

 Que pasa con el juego cuando lo inicio? no me deja iniciar con el idioma español que selecione, tengo que ponerlo en ingles para entrar y luego cambiar el idioma, se me hace un poco tedioso, desde la version 0.87 me pasa esto, pense que en la version 0.89 se habia solucionado, espero que puedan arreglar eso

Comprobaremos cuál es la causa de este problema, muchas gracias por informarnos.

Is there a way to prevent Emiko from dying?


hello, sorry..

I have a question, does anyone know how I can pass the "hidden links" mission?

I don't see the strange laboratory.


Hi, are you by any chance playing with a translation? There is a problem for that specific mission where the lab choice does not appear, in that case put the language back to English and it should appear.

aaa I see, I'm sorry, I've been playing it in Spanish XD for a while now, previously I didn't get that error until the previous version and this one, now I'll try to play it in English, thank you very much :3


This is the before named Conqueror Of Realms right?

M16 :)))))))))) lol

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How does the New Life feature work? If it's just random, what's the rate? I can't seem to get anything to happen.

Edit: I believe I found the trigger. There's a heart in the lab. 


That's right, that's the Izanami test there, based on your actions you will get a shape, we specify that it is not the final shape of this feature.

(1 edit)

help me too  pls

on the flames will envelop cells (quest)

 i dont heave any cure and wer to use it

That is the last main story quest at the moment, explore the other stories and wait for the next version.

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