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Este es champion of realms? wow, que susto me di al ver que no aparecia en la pagina jajaja, y... que trae de nuevo esta version? sigue siendo igual o hay cambios? deberian haber dejado el nombre que tenia queda mejor


Hola, el nombre cambiará a simplemente CDR en unos días, esta es la última versión pública disponible por el momento, para el domingo llegará la nueva.

entonces el juego cambio de desarrollador? o ahora hay un equipo completo ayudando a el desarrollo?,por que sinceramente es increible lo mucho que avanzo este juego siendo el proyecto de una sola persona, es uno de mis juegos favoritos espero queel juego pueda continuar de manera muy prospera


Cambio de dirección con nuevas personas en la cúpula y un equipo en la retaguardia pensando en el desarrollo.

Wait so is this game the complete version? It doesn't have a version number so I'm confused.


Nope, this is the latest public version available at the moment, 0.88.


I went to check on how Champion of Realms was doing, as Itch hadn't sent me any emails about an update in a bit and I was curious. Imagine my surprise when I couldn't find it at all. I went looking, because I was hoping it hadn't been abandoned and deleted. That would have been sad, as it's a pretty darn good game.

I'm glad it's still going. I love the world, the characters, and the story, and I really want to see where it all goes. So, change the name and move it to a new place on Itch, you'll not be rid of me so easily. I'm in this for the long haul.


Thank you very much, we are looking forward to a bright future full of new things!


Honestly, i very much enjoy how far youve come Zimon. This story honestly has got me hooked, so you're definitely doing good, cant wait for the android port so i can play again.


Thank you very much, we will try not to fall short of expectations.

The android version will be back very soon, most likely already this Sunday.


Well, the lewd scence now will have more animation and can be interact.... Fuck, take my money and make it work on mobile


With no more goals to block interactive scenes, now all girls will receive the same treatment as Cleos, resulting in an evolution of lewds for each girl.


Fuck hell yeah, just make it work on mobile and my wallet is your


Will there be futa?


No. There will never be futa.

Deleted 115 days ago

That is just how monumental these asses are apparently


They probably did it deliberately for laughs, and even if it was unintentional, it should still be kept in there, lol


so what about people that bought CoR here on itch? Its gone now from my games and itch app.


This is likely a spiritual successor. Like a continuation under a different developer.


It's not a spiritual successor. It's a rebranding as there is now a team working on the game, not only one dev:


What exactly happened here?


If confused, read patreon.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hope you doing great, it's an amazing game, can't wait for new update! ❤️

New name kinda sucks tho. ( I know you already considering on return to CoR, it would be great)

Best of luck with development guys!


Ayo what happened to champion of realms


It's a rebranding as there is now a team working on the game, not only one dev:


Why was the other game removed?


It's a rebranding as there is now a team working on the game, not only one dev:

Mmm nice new vn! Cant wait for a mobile port.


Well glad its still here shame about what happened though.

(1 edit)
sorry I don't really understand is it the one that is up to date to play or is it Champion Of Realms v0.89

Hey,  this one here is the version 0.88, soon the 0.89 will be public.

Okay I support via patreon I was going to play this version but if 0.89 is more advanced than Project Regna I will play it but the intro is different I can know what is different between the two versions without want to bore you to know if I should play the project regna version or the 0.89

This version is 0.88. 0.89 will be public on the 22nd and uploaded here


So impressive how far this game has come, and glad I was wrong about what this account was. They've been working on this game for years and there's a ton of content.

I would however have to report there was more grammatical errors then I'm used to seeing, but its mostly just saying he when you meant she in the and two plain just misspelled words from newest main story scene that happens after the last one in the events tracker in version 0.89 (probably not intended to already be in there but it is).


Thank you, glad you are enjoying it.

At the moment the dialogue check is stopped to make some adjustments, will start again from 0.90 onwards.

Deleted 115 days ago
Deleted 115 days ago

probably not they might have saves you can use to get to where you was later


The new feature coming soon will allow you to directly reach the beginning of each new version.

(2 edits) (+1)

So,i already played 0.88 ver and you said this one is considered as 0.88 ver right? is there any new content in this update rn or this is only change name of the game??


Nothing new apart from graphic changes, the next version is coming soon.

(1 edit) (+1)

ok, and one more question you said later we can immediately play the new version is it on 0.89 update? If no then I think I just need to wait until it can...(although I can't wait to give it a try 😢)


0.89 is in early access for patreon. It will be released publicly on the 22nd.

Y la versión para android

La versión para Android llegará pronto con la última versión.

I detect some M16A1 energy from one of these girls, and that is a pleasing prospect indeed.


Just don't call her short, and you will be fine.


Looking forward to the future of this game!


Glad to know you like it!


Looking forward to the future of the game! Keep up the excellent work!


Thank you very much.




Hey, it is an improved version under new management, to learn more just read the latest post available on Patreon.

I'm going to wait for the android version to try it.


It will come very soon, hope you will enjoy the game.

What happened to the mobile version? I play this on my phone for reasons.


Coming in the next few days.


I hate this new name. Needs to stay CoR


We are in fact receiving a lot of negative feedback about it and are discussing it, most likely the best thing to do is to keep CoR as the name.


I have to agree on keeping CoR. 


This name change seems short sighted considering the comments below.


We have noticed, we are already considering simply using CoR.

(2 edits) (+1)

So is this the new name and page? What happened to make this change and how will it affect development? Nvm I read the pat post. 

I hope everyone in development stays well and protected. Great work.


Don't worry, nothing will be changed, everything will improve.

For those who are concerned about the saves. I read something that they added a feature that you can decide whether you start from a scratch or play the new version which is starting from 0.88 Correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyway when will it be available on adroid? 


That's right, in the next version, not the public one coming in a few days, but 0.90, you will have the possibility to start directly from the new build thanks to this feature.

Android will come with the new public version soon.

(1 edit)

Will it be a zip download like most of the older versions? I only ask because the newer ones were apks  and very difficult to install on android needing almost 4 times the actual size of the game. Being able to move the game file to the zimon document was a lifesaver. I hope that will make its return


It depends on how the coder will handle android, most likely the next one will be with a single apk, it is also possible that in the future both possibilities will be given.

(2 edits)

Hopefully, if not i will end up needing to buy a new phone just to play. Im currently stuck a .85. Wont stop me from replaying it though. Tho if I factory reset just might be able to play. But I'd have to sacrifice all my games and data, probably worth it tho. 

If it's okay to ask who was making the zip files for android?


The new team is explained in the Patreon post:


another remake.


There is no remake here, only a hopefull future evolved!




According to the Patreon page this is actually the game Champions of Realms (CoRà but with another name and a new team working on it. Please correct me if I am wrong.


Hey, more or less you are correct, this is going to be the new page for this fantastic project.


Some questions:

1. What version of CoR is this? 0.89?

2. Will we need to move our saves over?


1. Is still considered the 0.88

2. Nope, we have made sure that the saves are not affected, for the time being.

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